Disaggregate: Basic skills level Breadcrumb Home Disaggregates Basic Skills Level Definition An individual’s level of basic skills proficiency Why it matters The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) considers an individual to be “basic skills deficient” if they are “unable to compute or solve problems, or read, write, or speak English, at a level necessary to function on the job, in the individual’s family, or in society.”1 As discussed in Outcomes and Milestones section of this report, competencies such as math and reading proficiency, communication skills, higher-order thinking skills, and digital skills are important for workforce readiness and success. English proficiency is also associated with greater academic achievement and improved workforce outcomes, as discussed under the English learner disaggregate. What to know about measurement Basic skills deficiency is used as an eligibility criterion for some federal workforce development programs, including Job Corps and YouthBuild. Federal regulations allow states to adapt the federal definition of “basic skills deficient,” as long as the modified definitions retain core components of the federal definition.2 Federal law also allows states to determine how to measure basic skills level, and assessment methods vary across states. For example, Washington State exclusively uses the Comprehensive Adult Student Assessment System (CASAS) tests to determine basic skills deficiency,3 whereas South Dakota permits the use of ACCUPLACER®, ACT® WorkKeys® Curriculum™ Placement Quiz, WorkKeys Assessments, TABE™, National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC), or Best Plus™ and Best Literacy™ assessments.4 Source frameworks This disaggregate is required for WIOA reporting. It did not appear in any other source frameworks reviewed for this report. References 2See Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (2014).3State of Washington Employment Security Department. (2018). Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act policy: Employment system administration and policy. State of Washington Employment Security Department. https://workforcesw.org/wp-content/uploads/policy-1011-rev3-casas-for-basic-skills-deficiency.pdf 4U.S. Department of Labor. (2022b). Basic skills deficient. https://dlr.sd.gov/workforce_services/wioa/wioa_manual/4.8_basicskillsdeficient.pdf 1Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. Public Law 113–128 113th Congress. https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/PLAW-113publ128/pdf/PLAW-113publ128.pdf#page=6