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Publications and Tools

Our publications and tools are free to download and are designed to help you take action with the E-W Framework. Scroll down for at-a-glance resources that offer a look into what the framework has to offer, tools to help you explore and apply the framework, and additional resources from our partners and organizations doing related work in the field.

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Resource Listing

16 Resources
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Charting a Course to Quality: A Navigator’s Handbook to a Robust Non-Degree Credential Data Ecosystem

This comprehensive handbook from the National Skills Coalition is designed to guide states in building and enhancing the data ecosystem necessary to evaluate non-degree credential programs. It offers practical steps and examples from states already leading in this area, so others can adapt successful models to their unique contexts.

Data collection
E-W Framework Indicator Alignment Template for Funders

This workbook is intended for philanthropic funders working in the early education, K-12, postsecondary, and/or workforce sectors. The template offers prompts to reflect on how the Education-to-Workforce (E-W) Framework's 99 indicators align with your organization's work and helps you think about potential next steps for your measurement, learning, and evaluation activities.

Using Postsecondary Outcomes Data

This best practice guide from QIP can help states promote postsecondary outcomes data to key education stakeholders, including K-12 districts and schools, parents and other caregivers, students, and policymakers, and help them use data to make data-driven decisions.

Evidence-based practices
Issue Brief: Building an Education-to-Workforce Data Framework

This issue brief from Governing discusses how state and local leaders can use the E-W Framework to adopt a more comprehensive, seamless, data-driven approach to supporting students on their journeys from pre-K to the workforce.

Policy and advocacy
Indicator Readiness Brief

This supplemental resource is designed to help framework users identify which indicators and metrics are likely to be ready for adoption and which need further development.

Data collection
Opportunity for All Webinar: Aligning Data Systems to Address Disparities from Pre-K Through the Workforce

In this webinar recording, three experts discuss how the E-W Framework can help state leaders increase data access, collect and use data to answer essential questions about students' experiences, and embed data equity principles into data collection and use.

Data equity
Essential Questions Guide

This supplemental resource offers practical guidance and tools to identify fundamental questions about what’s working, what’s not, and how education and workforce systems can improve, along with how to explore the data that matter most to answer those questions.

Student Pathways to Success

This supplemental resource explores the multiple pathways that can lead students to economic mobility and security and how education and workforce systems can support their journey.

Data equity
Source Frameworks at a Glance

This at-a-glance resource offers a look into the 41 source frameworks that informed the development of the E-W Framework.

Data collection
Data Equity Principles at a Glance

This at-a-glance resource offers a look into seven principles for centering equity throughout the data life cycle to encourage more ethical and effective data use.

Data equity