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Publications and Tools

The publications and tools on this page are designed to help you take action with the E-W Framework. Access at-a-glance resources for a look into what the framework has to offer, tools to help you explore and apply the framework, and additional resources from our partners and organizations doing related work in the field.

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Resource Listing

30 Resources
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The Statewide Longitudinal Data System Landscape

This Policy Guide from Education Commission of the States pulls together recent reports, tools and surveys from the field and demonstrates an emerging consensus about the key elements of an effective state longitudinal data system that responds to diverse audiences’ needs. State policymakers can use this resource to assess their own data system against emerging best practices.

Data collection
P20W Modernization Diagnostic Tool

This tool from WestEd serves as a comprehensive rubric to capture the dimensions and developmental stages necessary for a modern statewide longitudinal data system. The completed rubric can offer useful information to share with legislators, staff, and other interest holders to assess opportunities and barriers to modernization. 

Data collection
Indicator Readiness Brief

This supplemental resource is designed to help framework users identify which indicators and metrics are likely to be ready for adoption and which need further development.

Data collection
Issue Brief: Building an Education-to-Workforce Data Framework

This issue brief from Governing discusses how state and local leaders can use the E-W Framework to adopt a more comprehensive, seamless, data-driven approach to supporting students on their journeys from pre-K to the workforce.

Policy and advocacy
On the Evidence Podcast: Using Data to Advance Equitable Outcomes from Pre-K through the Workforce

This episode of On the Evidence focuses on efforts to advance equitable outcomes from cradle to career by making data more available and useful to state decision makers. The guests for this episode are Keith White of the Public Education Foundation Chattanooga, Naihobe Gonzalez of Mathematica, Sara Kerr of Results for America, and Ross Tilchin of Results for America.

Data collection
Data equity
Policy and advocacy
Opportunity for All Webinar: Aligning Data Systems to Address Disparities from Pre-K Through the Workforce

In this webinar recording, three experts discuss how the E-W Framework can help state leaders increase data access, collect and use data to answer essential questions about students' experiences, and embed data equity principles into data collection and use.

Data equity
Webinar: Building an Education-to-Workforce Data Framework

In this 60-minute webinar hosted by Governing, representatives from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Mathematica, and Washington's Education Research & Data Center discuss how the E-W Framework can help decision makers prioritize and act on the measures that matter most.

Data collection
Essential Questions Guide

This supplemental resource offers practical guidance and tools to identify fundamental questions about what’s working, what’s not, and how education and workforce systems can improve, along with how to explore the data that matter most to answer those questions.

What Now? A Vision to Transform State Data Systems

This resource from the Data Quality Campaign describes the types of data access that people need to successfully navigate decisions through education and the workforce, details four use cases in which SLDSs are necessary to support decisionmaking, and describes clear ways that state and federal leaders can take action to make this vision a reality.

Policy and advocacy
E-W Indicators at a Glance

This at-a-glance resource offers a look into the E-W Framework indicators of outcomes and milestones and related system conditions that matter most to help every student succeed as they progress from early education through their career. It also provides details on how the indicators were selected.

Data collection