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Essential Question 12

Do students have access to and complete rigorous and accelerated college preparatory coursework?


About this Essential Question

This question examines students’ access to and participation in challenging academic coursework that prepares them for success after high school. In many states, the requirements for a high school diploma fall short of the admissions criteria at many four-year colleges and universities. Not meeting these requirements can limit students’ college options or land them in remedial or developmental courses that do not count toward a postsecondary degree. Engaging in rigorous coursework during high school, including Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, and dual credit courses, is associated with future college success. Not all student groups are equally likely to have access to rigorous coursework. For example, high school students who live in rural areas disproportionately attend schools that offer few Advanced Placement courses. School administrators, counselors, and district leaders can use this question to understand variation in course offerings, identify barriers to course access and completion, and develop strategies to expand opportunities for all students.

Probing Questions

Use these probing questions to dive deeper on the essential question or approach it through a different lens. Feel free to adapt these questions further or come up with your own.  

  • How does high school students’ access to rigorous and college preparatory coursework vary based on where they live and attend school? How does it vary by student race and ethnicity, urbanicity, and/or income level?  
  • How well do available course offerings help students prepare for college? What students needs are not currently met?  
  • How does high school students’ completion of rigorous and college preparatory coursework vary based on where they live and attend school? How does it vary by student race and ethnicity, urbanicity, and/or income level?  
  • What district and school policies and conditions—such as course placement policies, academic supports for students, and teacher recruitment and retention practices—help or hinder students in completing rigorous and college preparatory coursework during high school?
  • How might we help students better access and complete rigorous and college preparatory coursework? What policies or conditions could be improved? Who needs to be involved?