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Essential Question 7

Are there populations of students that disproportionately experience exclusionary discipline practices that disrupt their educational experience?


About this Essential Question

This question examines patterns of exclusionary discipline practices, such as suspensions and expulsions, for different groups of students. Disciplinary actions that remove students from learning environments can disrupt academic progress and engagement, and being subjected to disciplinary action in school is negatively related to academic outcomes including course passing, high school graduation, and college enrollment. When exclusionary discipline is implemented disproportionately across different student groups, it may widen disparities in outcomes. It may also indicate the existence of bias in the system. School administrators and policymakers can use this question to understand disciplinary patterns, identify potential biases in disciplinary systems, and develop more restorative approaches to school discipline.

Probing Questions

Use these probing questions to dive deeper on the essential question or approach it through a different lens. Feel free to adapt these questions further or come up with your own.  

  • How do students’ experiences of exclusionary discipline vary based on where they live and attend school? How do experiences vary by students’ race and ethnicity, gender, family income level, and/or disability status?
  • What school policies and practices may be contributing to disproportionalities in exclusionary discipline? What other factors may contribute? How do contributing factors vary across schools and districts?
  • To what extent do schools use discipline practices that are not exclusionary? What non-exclusionary discipline practices are used?  
  • How well do any non-exclusionary discipline practices align with research on effective behavior management and student support? How well are they implemented?