Evidence-based Practice: Intensive, individualized support for students off track on early warning indicators Breadcrumb Home Evidence-based Practices Intensive, Individualized Support For Students Off Track On Early Warning Indicators Definition Using data on on-track or early warning indicators (such as those recommended by the E-W Framework), schools can identify students who are off track for high school graduation or college readiness, and can intervene. The WWC recommends assigning these students a trained adult advocate who provides individualized support to meet their academic, social, and emotional needs.1 This individual can identify students’ unmet needs and either directly provide support or coordinate additional support. An advocate is a student’s “go-to person” for the resources and support needed to graduate or be ready for college. Advocates typically provide these supports for the entire time a student is enrolled in the school or, at a minimum, a full school year. They can be school staff or employed by outside organizations. Although the research reviewed is focused on dropout prevention in middle and high schools, intensive, individualized support that considers both academic and nonacademic needs may also be a promising intervention for students off track in elementary school or for college. Related indicators Outcomes & Milestones Positive behavior (discipline) Consistent attendance 6th grade on track 8th grade on track 9th grade on track Grade point average High school graduation E-W System Conditions Institutions’ contributions to student outcomes Access to health, mental health, and social supports Related essential questions Are students demonstrating satisfactory academic progress, consistent attendance, and positive behavior to be considered on track in the early grades? Do students have access to quality school environments, including quality curricula and instruction, experienced teachers, effective leaders, and adequate funding? Are students meeting reading and math benchmarks in grades 3 and 8? Are teachers and schools making sufficient contributions to academic growth for students? Are there populations of students that disproportionately experience exclusionary discipline practices that disrupt their educational experience? Do students attend schools with safe, inclusive, and supportive environments that support their social, emotional, mental, and physical development and well-being? Are students demonstrating satisfactory academic progress, consistent attendance, and positive behavior to be considered on track for high school graduation? Are students graduating from high school on time and successfully transitioning into further education, training, or employment? References 1What Works Clearinghouse (WWC). (2017a). Practice guide level of evidence video. Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education. https://ies.ed.gov/ncee/wwc/multimedia/39#:~:text=For%20each%20recommendation%20in%20a,rigorous%20research%20supporting%20the%20recommendation