Essential Question 10 Breadcrumb Home Essential Questions Do Students Attend Schools With Safe, Inclusive, and Supportive Environments That Support Their Social, Emotional, Mental, and Physical Development and Well-being? Do students attend schools with safe, inclusive, and supportive environments that support their social, emotional, mental, and physical development and well-being? About this Essential QuestionThis question examines the extent to which schools offer safe, inclusive, and supportive environments that support students' well-being. School safety is linked to higher attendance and academic achievement, and inclusive environments can create a sense of belonging that contributes to improved academic achievement as well as overall health and well-being. School administrators, counselors, and support staff can use this question to assess school environments, identify areas for improvement, and implement comprehensive approaches to support student well-being.Probing QuestionsUse these probing questions to dive deeper on the essential question or approach it through a different lens. Feel free to adapt these questions further or come up with your own. How do students, families, and school staff define safe, inclusive, and supportive school environments? How do district and school leaders define and measure school safety, inclusivity, and supportiveness? How well do current measures align with student and family definitions?How does student access to safe, inclusive, and supportive school environments vary based on where they live and attend school? How does access vary by student race and ethnicity and/or family income level?How do school policies, practices, and conditions impact different schools’ abilities to support student safety, feelings of belonging and connection to peers, and family engagement? What contributes to these differences?How do school policies, practices, and conditions impact different schools’ abilities to support student competencies like growth mindset, self-efficacy, social awareness, and social capital? What contributes to these differences?How do school policies, practices, and conditions impact different schools’ abilities to support students’ mental, emotional, and physical well-being? What contributes to these differences?How might we improve access to safe, inclusive, and supportive school environments? What policies or conditions could be improved? Who needs to be involved? Related Indicators Outcomes & Milestones Self-management Growth mindset Self-efficacy Social awareness Cultural competency Social capital Mental and emotional well-being Physical development and well-being E-W System Conditions School-family engagement Equitable discipline practices School safety Inclusive environments Representational racial and ethnic diversity of educators School and workplace racial and ethnic diversity School and workplace socioeconomic diversity Access to health, mental health, and social supports Related Evidence-based Practices Pre-K Parent programs Social skills training K-12 Small, personalized learning communities Intensive, individualized support for students off track on early warning indicators SEL curricula and programs (such as growth mindset interventions) Postsecondary SEL curricula and programs (such as self-regulated learning) Mentoring and coaching Comprehensive, integrated advising