Indicators Breadcrumb Home Indicators About Indicators and Metrics The E-W Framework recommends indicators of student outcomes and milestones and related system conditions needed to help every student succeed as they progress from early education through their career. Based on research and input from experts, each indicator is associated with a description of why it matters for economic mobility and security, recommended metrics and data sources, and details to consider for measurement. Get Started with the E-W Framework Indicators In-Depth Share Explore the E-W Framework Components Data Equity Principles Essential Questions Indicators Disaggregates Evidence-based Practices Download Download Selected Indicators 0 filter(s) selected Indicators Resources Chapter II: Indicators and metrics E-W Framework Indicator Overview Download the Indicators and metrics chapter for details on the recommended indicators, why they matter, and how to measure them. Access the Indicator Overview one-pager for a snapshot of all indicators and how they were selected. 99 Indicators and Metrics Filter By: What are Sectors Sectors Sectors are the four segments of the pre-k-to-workforce continuum: Pre-K, K-12, postsecondary, and workforce Sectors Pre-K K-12 Postsecondary Workforce What are Indicator Types Indicator Types Indicator types refer to whether an indicator captures an individual outcome or milestone versus a system condition Indicator Types Adjacent System Conditions E-W System Conditions Outcomes & Milestones What are Domains Domains Domains are interrelated areas that affect individuals’ journeys toward economic mobility and security Domains Academic Progress & Completion Career Readiness & Economic Success Social, Emotional & Physical Wellbeing What are Clusters Clusters Clusters are groups of indicators that share a common theme or purpose Clusters Kindergarten Readiness Postsecondary Success Postsecondary Transitions School Climate Social-emotional Learning Teaching Effectiveness Workforce Success Workforce Transitions Filters Applied: Clear All Enrollment in public pre-KSectorsPre-KTypeOutcomes & MilestonesDomainAcademic Progress & Completion Developmental progress: language and literacySectorsPre-KTypeOutcomes & MilestonesDomainAcademic Progress & Completion Developmental progress: cognitionSectorsPre-KTypeOutcomes & MilestonesDomainAcademic Progress & Completion Early grades on trackSectorsK-12TypeOutcomes & MilestonesDomainAcademic Progress & Completion Consistent attendanceSectorsPre-KK-12PostsecondaryTypeOutcomes & MilestonesDomainAcademic Progress & Completion Positive behavior (discipline)SectorsPre-KK-12TypeOutcomes & MilestonesDomainAcademic Progress & Completion Math and reading proficiency in grade 3SectorsK-12TypeOutcomes & MilestonesDomainAcademic Progress & Completion 6th grade on trackSectorsK-12TypeOutcomes & MilestonesDomainAcademic Progress & Completion 8th grade on trackSectorsK-12TypeOutcomes & MilestonesDomainAcademic Progress & Completion Math and reading proficiency in grade 8SectorsK-12TypeOutcomes & MilestonesDomainAcademic Progress & Completion Successful completion of Algebra I by 9th gradeSectorsK-12TypeOutcomes & MilestonesDomainAcademic Progress & Completion 9th grade on trackSectorsK-12TypeOutcomes & MilestonesDomainAcademic Progress & Completion Load More