Evidence-based Practice: Employer partnerships with CTE programs Breadcrumb Home Evidence-based Practices Employer Partnerships With CTE Programs Definition Employer partnerships with high schools and postsecondary institutions are a key component of effective career pathways, offering students in CTE both classroom and work-based experiences to develop the skills they need to be successful in the workplace.1 Career pathways that develop and sustain employer partnerships can improve the relevance and alignment of the curriculum to employer or industry needs; expand opportunities for students to engage meaningfully with employers through presentations, onsite visits, work-based learning opportunities, and career fairs; and increase the potential for job placement and advancement. Related indicators Outcomes & Milestones Successful career transition after high school Industry-recognized credential Participation in work-based learning Employment in a quality job E-W System Conditions Expenditures on workforce development programs Access to ongoing career skills development Access to jobs paying a living wage Related essential questions Are students graduating from high school on time and successfully transitioning into further education, training, or employment? Are there quality pathways for students who pursue career training that lead to employment in quality jobs? Are students completing credentials of value after high school that set them up for success in the workforce? Are there quality pathways for students who pursue career training that lead to employment in quality jobs? References 1What Works Clearinghouse (WWC). (2021c). Designing and delivering career pathways at community colleges. Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education. https://ies.ed.gov/ncee/wwc/PracticeGuide/27