Evidence-based Practice: Intentionally designed career pathway programs Breadcrumb Home Evidence-based Practices Intentionally Designed Career Pathway Programs Definition The design and implementation of career pathways can vary widely, depending on the target industries and occupations. However, key design elements can make a career pathway more effective at helping students earn credits, complete an industry-recognized credential, and gain employment and higher earnings.1 Effective career pathways offer students a clear blueprint for educational and employment advancement that meets industry needs. This blueprint should include multiple “on and off ramps” that individuals with varying needs can access. For example, students who need basic skills training may start in a pre-pathway bridge program, whereas others may enter directly into a short-term or one- to two-year certificate program. Pathways should offer stackable credentials that build on each other and allow students to enter and exit the pathway at multiple points as they progress in their careers. For instance, a short-term certificate can lead to an entry-level skilled job and a longer-term certificate, which then can be followed by mid-level skilled employment or a two-year degree, and so on. An example of an effective pathway program is the Pima Community College Pathways to Healthcare Health Profession Opportunity Grant (HPOG) Program, which features placement assessments, contextualized basic skills and training, support services (including advising, financial assistance, and social supports), and employment connections to work-based learning opportunities.2 Related indicators Outcomes & Milestones Postsecondary certificate or degree completion Successful career transition after high school CTE pathway concentration Industry-recognized credential Participation in work-based learning Employment in a quality job E-W System Conditions Access to in-demand CTE pathways Access to college and career advising Expenditures on workforce development programs Access to ongoing career skills development Related essential questions Are there quality pathways for students who pursue career training that lead to employment in quality jobs? Are students completing credentials of value after high school that set them up for success in the workforce? Are students matriculating to well-matched postsecondary institutions that successfully graduate their students with credentials of value? Are students experiencing sufficient early momentum in postsecondary education to be on track for on-time completion? Are students gaining access to quality jobs that offer economic mobility and security after high school or postsecondary training and education? References 1What Works Clearinghouse (WWC). (2021c). Designing and delivering career pathways at community colleges. Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education. https://ies.ed.gov/ncee/wwc/PracticeGuide/272Engstrom, W., Gardiner, K., & Mitukiewicz, O. (2013). Pathways for advancing courses and education career pathways program profile: Pima community college pathways to healthcare HPOG program. OPRE report # 2013-31. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children & Families, Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation. https://www.acf.hhs.gov/opre/report/pace-career-pathways-program-profile-pima-community-college-pathways-healthcare-hpog