Evidence-based Practice: Career pathway programs Breadcrumb Home Evidence-based Practices Career Pathway Programs Definition Offering curricula and programs clearly connected to a career pathway improves high school graduation rates.1 Career pathway programs have three main features: (1) they are organized as small learning communities, or schools within schools; (2) their curriculum centers on one career, occupation, or industry and combines academic and technical aspects relevant to that career; and (3) they provide work-based learning experiences, often through partnerships with local employers to offer students exposure to jobs in demand. These experiences can include summer employment, internships, and mentoring. Career pathway programs in high school produce strong and sustained increases in students’ post-high school earnings, especially for young men.2, 3 Related indicators Outcomes & Milestones High school graduation Minimum economic return Employment in a quality job Successful career transition after high school CTE pathway concentration Participation in work-based learning E-W System Conditions Access to in-demand CTE pathways Access to college and career advising Related essential questions Do students have access to quality school environments, including quality curricula and instruction, experienced teachers, effective leaders, and adequate funding? Are students graduating from high school on time and successfully transitioning into further education, training, or employment? Are there quality pathways for students who pursue career training that lead to employment in quality jobs? Are students completing credentials of value after high school that set them up for success in the workforce? Are students gaining access to quality jobs that offer economic mobility and security after high school or postsecondary training and education? References 1What Works Clearinghouse (WWC). (2017a). Practice guide level of evidence video. Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education. https://ies.ed.gov/ncee/wwc/multimedia/39#:~:text=For%20each%20recommendation%20in%20a,rigorous%20research%20supporting%20the%20recommendation2Kemple, J. (2008). Career academies: Long-term impacts on work, education, and transitions to adulthood. Manpower Demonstration Research Corporation (MDRC). https://www.mdrc.org/publication/career-academies-impacts-work-and-educational-attainment 3Clearinghouse for Labor Evaluation and Research (CLEAR). (2014a). Evidence on the effectiveness of career academies for high school students. U.S. Department of Labor, CLEAR. https://clear.dol.gov/synthesis-report/evidence-effectiveness-career-academies-high-school-students