Evidence-based Practice: High-impact tutoring Breadcrumb Home Evidence-based Practices High-impact Tutoring Definition The National Student Support Accelerator (NSSA) recognizes high-impact tutoring programs as those that have either directly demonstrated significant gains in student learning through research studies or have characteristics proven to accelerate student learning.1 These characteristics include substantial time each week spent on required tutoring, sustained and strong relationships between students and their tutors, close monitoring of student knowledge and skills, alignment with school curricula, and oversight of tutors to ensure quality interactions. Tutoring has an extensive evidence base, with a recent meta-analysis of 96 randomized evaluations of one-on-one and small-group tutoring finding consistent and substantial positive impacts on learning outcomes.2 This meta-analysis also found that tutoring delivered by teachers and paraprofessionals was generally more effective than tutoring delivered by nonprofessional staff or parents. Also, programs held during school tended to have larger impacts than those conducted after school. Other research suggests that high dosage has larger effects on student achievement.3 Related indicators Outcomes & Milestones Early grades on track Math and reading proficiency in grade 3 6th grade on track Math and reading proficiency in grade 8 9th grade on track Grade point average Math and reading proficiency in high school E-W System Conditions Institutions’ contributions to student outcomes Related essential questions Do students have access to quality, full-day kindergarten? Do students have access to quality school environments, including quality curricula and instruction, experienced teachers, effective leaders, and adequate funding? Are students demonstrating satisfactory academic progress, consistent attendance, and positive behavior to be considered on track in the early grades? Are students meeting reading and math benchmarks in grades 3 and 8? Are teachers and schools making sufficient contributions to academic growth for students? Are students demonstrating satisfactory academic progress, consistent attendance, and positive behavior to be considered on track for high school graduation? References 1National Student Support Accelerator. (2022). Brown University. https://studentsupportaccelerator.com/ 2Nickow, A., Oreopoulos, P., & Quan, V. (2020). The impressive effects of tutoring on preK–12 learning: A systematic review and meta-analysis of the experimental evidence. National Bureau of Economic Research. https://doi.org/10.3386/w274763Heinrich, C. J., Burch, P., Good, A., Acosta, R., Cheng, H., Dillender, M., Kirshbaum, C., Nisar, H., & Stewart, M. (2014). Improving the implementation and effectiveness of out-of-school-time tutoring. Journal of policy analysis and management, 33(2), 471–494. https://doi.org/10.1002/pam.21745