Evidence-based Practice: Out-of-school programs (such as summer programs) Breadcrumb Home Evidence-based Practices Out-of-school Programs (such As Summer Programs) Definition Academically focused after-school, weekend, and summer programs (also known as out-of-school programs) can promote student achievement. The WWC recommends the following key features for effective out-of-school programs: the program should be aligned academically with the school curriculum, maximize student participation attendance, adapt instruction to individual and small-group needs, and provide engaging learning experiences for students.1 One example of an effective out-of-school program is the Elevate [Math] Summer Program2 for middle school students struggling with math, which improved students’ algebra readiness scores.3 Students participate in Elevate [Math] over a four-week period, receiving four hours of blended learning instruction a day focused on math content aligned with Common Core State Standards, and taught by trained, certified teachers. Related indicators Outcomes & Milestones Early grades on track Math and reading proficiency in grade 3 6th grade on track Math and reading proficiency in grade 8 9th grade on track Grade point average Math and reading proficiency in high school E-W System Conditions Institutions’ contributions to student outcomes Related essential questions Do students and families have access to adequate public supports and neighborhood conditions to enable them to succeed academically and in the workforce? Are students demonstrating satisfactory academic progress, consistent attendance, and positive behavior to be considered on track in the early grades? Are students meeting reading and math benchmarks in grades 3 and 8? Are students demonstrating satisfactory academic progress, consistent attendance, and positive behavior to be considered on track for high school graduation? References 1What Works Clearinghouse (WWC). (2009c). Structuring out-of-school time to improve academic achievement. Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education. https://ies.ed.gov/ncee/wwc/PracticeGuide/102Silicon Valley Education Foundation. (2021). Elevate [Math]. https://www.svefoundation.org/elevate-math3Snipes, J., Huang, C.-W., Jaquet, K., & Finkelstein, N. (2015). The effects of the Elevate Math summer program on math achievement and algebra readiness (REL 2015-096). Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education. https://ies.ed.gov/ncee/wwc/Study/88782